Lassenius, Johann

Lassenius, Johann

a Lutheran theologian, was born at Waldau, in Pomerania, April 26, 1636. He studied at different universities, and travelled extensively. On account of his writings against the Jesuits he was imprisoned at Vienna. He was taken to the Turkish frontier for the purpose of being, sold as a slave to the Turks, but he managed to escape. He took his degree as doctor of theology at Greifswalde, was appointed court-preacher at Copenhagen, and died August 29, 1692. He was a very prolific writer, and wrote a great many ascetical works. See Moller, Cimbria Litterata; Jocher, Allgeneines Gelehrten-Lexikon s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2:769. (B.P.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature