Lasius, Christophorus

Lasius, Christophorus

a Protestant theologian, prominent as a preacher of the synergistic school, and opponent of Flacius, was born at Strasburg about the beginning of the 16th century. He was in high favor with Melancthon in 1531, and by the latter recommended to Bucer. The part he took in the synergistic Melancthonian controversy, and his activity against the Flacian, rendered his life comparatively a wandering one. In 1537 he became rector of Gorlitz, and in 1543 pastor at Greussen. On account of his Melancthonian proclivities he was deposed in 1545; was then made pastor of Spandau, and when driven away from that place became superintendent of Lauingen, which he was also obliged to leave. After remaining for a time in Augsburg he was appointed superintendent of Cottbus, but was here likewise subject to many annoyances, and finally died at Senftenberg in 1572. His works are especially bitter against the doctrine of the passivity of man in repentance, and do not in the least compliment the Lutherans of his day and generation. The principal are, Fundament wahrer Bekehrung wider d. flacianische Klotzbusse (Francf. ad O. 1568): Gildenes Kleinod (Niiremb. 1556): Grundfeste d. reinen evangelischen Wahrheit (Wittemb. 1568). Herzog, Real-Encyklop. 8:203; Wetzer und Welte, Kirchen-Lex. 6:353.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature