John, Jacobite Bishop Of Dara
(a city in Mesopotamia, near Nisibis) in the first half of the 9th century (not in the 6th or 7th, as says Cave in his Hist. Litt. 2, 131, nor in the 4th, as is maintained by Abraham Ecchelensis, nor in the 8th, as it is said by Assemani in his Bibliotheca Orientalis, 2, 118; see also 2, 219 and 347). He was a contemporary of Dionys. of Telmahar, who dedicated his chronicle to him (see Assemani, Bibl. Orient. 2, 247). A manuscript of the Vatican, used by Abraham Ecchelensis, contains three works in Syriac by John:
1. De resurrectione coporum, in four books:
2. De hierarchia celesti et ecclesiastica, two books, ascribed to the pseudo-Dionysius on account of the similarity of names:
3. De sacerdotio, four books (Assemani, 2, 118 sq.). He is also considered as the author of the book De Anima (Assemani, 2, 219), which he probably composed after the work of Gregory of Nyssa, whose writings he also used otherwise (Assemani, 3, 22); and also an Anaphora (according to the Catalogus liturgiarum. by Schulting, pt. 3, p. 106, No. 29). Herzog. Real-Encyk 6, 746. (J.N.P.)