The following is a complete list of all the specimens of entomology mentioned in the canonical Scriptures (including their products), together with their names in the original and in the A.V. SEE ZOOLOGY.
Akkabish’, spider, spider, Akrdb’, scorpion, scorpion. Akris, locust, locust. Arbeh’, locust, locust. Arb’, swarms, gad-fly. Ash, moth, moth. Chagcib,’ grasshopper,; locust. Chanamnl’, frost, ant? (destructive) Chargol’, beetle, locust (edible). Chasil’, locust, locust. Deborah’, bee, bee. Gaznm’, palmer-worm, locust (grub). Geb, i’ locust, locust. Gob, grasshopper, locust. Ken, lice, gnat. Kokkos, scarlet, kermes (worm). Konops, gnat, fly (in wine). Me’shi, silk, fine thread. Nemalah’, ant, ant. Paresh’, flea, flea. Sas, moth, moth. Serikon, silk, silk. Ses, moth, moth. Skorpios, scorpion, scorpion. Solom’, bald locust, locust (edible). Tsaltscu’, locust, cricket. Tsirdh’, hornet, hornet. Ye’lek, {caterpillar, } locust (hairy). Zebtib’, fly, fly.