

Hills. From the Hebrew, gibeah, meaning a curved round hill. But our translators have also employed the same English word for the very different term, har, which has a much more extended sense than gibeah, meaning a whole district.

For instance, in Exo 24:4, the “hill” is the same which is elsewhere in the same chapter, Exo 24:12-13; Exo 24:18; etc., and book, consistently and accurately, rendered “mount” and “mountain.”

The “country of the hills,” in Deu 1:7; Jos 9:1; Jos 10:40; Jos 11:16, is the elevated district of Judah, Benjamin and Ephraim, which is correctly called “the mountain,” in the earliest descriptions of Palestine, Num 13:29, and in many subsequent passages.

Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary