is the rendering of the following original words in the Auth. Vers. of the Bible. SEE PALESTINE.
1. Gib’ah,’, , from a root akin to , to be high, which seems to have the force of curvature or humpishness. A word involving this idea is peculiarly applicable to the rounded hills of Palestine, and from it are derived, as has been pointed out under GIBEAH, the names of several places situated on hills. Our translators have been consistent in rendering gib’ah by hill: in four passages only qualifying it as little hill, doubtless for the more complete antithesis to mountain (Psa 65:12; Psa 72:3; Psa 114:4; Psa 114:6). SEE TOPOGRAPHICAL TERMS.
2. But they have also employed the same English word for the very different term bar, , which has a much more extended sense than gib’ah, meaning a whole district rather than an individual eminence, and to which our word mountain answers with tolerable accuracy. This exchange is always undesirable, but it sometimes occurs so as to confuse the meaning of a passage where it is desirable that the topography should be unmistakable. For instance, in Eze 24:4, the hill is the same which is elsewhere in the same chapter (Eze 24:12-13; Eze 24:18, etc.) and book consistently and accurately rendered mount and mountain. In Num 14:44-45, the hill is the mountain of Num 14:40, as also in Deu 1:41; Deu 1:43, compared with Deu 1:24; Deu 1:44. In Jos 15:9, the allusion is to the Mount of Olives, correctly called mountain in the preceding verse; and so also in 2Sa 16:13. The country of the hills, in Deu 1:7; Jos 9:1; Jos 10:40; Jos 11:16, is the elevated district of Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim, which is correctly called the mountain in the earliest descriptions of Palestine (Num 13:29), and in many subsequent passages. The holy hill (Psa 3:4), the hill of Jehovah (Psa 24:3), the hill of God (Psa 68:15). are nothing else than Mount Zion. In 2Ki 1:9; 2Ki 4:27, the use of the word hill obscures the allusion to Carmel, which in other passages of the life of the prophet (e.g. 1Ki 18:19; 2Ki 4:25) has the term mount correctly attached to it. Other places in the historical books in which the same substitution weakens the force of the narrative are as follows: Gen 7:19; Deu 8:7; Jos 13:6; Jos 18:13-14; Jdg 16:3; 1Sa 23:14; 1Sa 25:20; 1Sa 26:13; 2Sa 13:34; 1Ki 20:23; 1Ki 20:28; 1Ki 22:17, etc. SEE MOUNTAIN.
3. On one occasion the word ma’aleh’, , is rendered hill, viz. 1Sa 9:11, where it would be better to employ ascent, or some similar term. SEE MAALEH.
4. In the N.T. the word hill is employed to render the Greek word ; but on one occasion it is used for , elsewhere mountain, so as to obscure the connection between the two parts of the same narrative. The hill from which Jesus was coming down in Luk 9:36, is the same as the mountain into which he had gone for his transfiguration the day before (comp. Luk 9:28). In Mat 5:14, and Luk 4:29, is also rendered hill, but not with the inconvenience just noticed. In Luk 1:39, the hill country ( ) is the same mountain of Judah to which frequent reference is made in the Old Testament. SEE JUDAH, TRIBE OF.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
(1.) Heb. gib’eah, a curved or rounded hill, such as are common to Palestine (Ps. 65:12; 72:3; 114:4, 6).
(2.) Heb. har, properly a mountain range rather than an individual eminence (Ex. 24:4, 12, 13, 18; Num. 14:40, 44, 45). In Deut. 1:7, Josh. 9:1; 10:40; 11:16, it denotes the elevated district of Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim, which forms the watershed between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea.
(3.) Heb. ma’aleh in 1 Sam. 9:11. Authorized Version “hill” is correctly rendered in the Revised Version “ascent.”
(4.) In Luke 9:37 the “hill” is the Mount of Transfiguration.
Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary
Hebrew gibeah, “a carved, rounded hill”; frequent in the Holy Land. Har, mistranslated “hill;” it means a” mountain range or district” (Exo 24:4; Exo 24:12-13; Exo 24:18; Num 14:40; Num 14:44-45). The “hill” in Jos 15:9, compare 8, is the Mount of Olives. “The hills,” Deu 1:7; Jos 9:1, is the mountain district of Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim (Num 13:29). The “holy hill,” “hill of Jehovah,” etc., Psa 3:4; Psa 24:3, is mount Zion. Carmel should be called the mount, not “a hill” (2Ki 1:9; 2Ki 4:27; compare 1Ki 18:19). Maleh should be “ascent,” not “hill” (1Sa 9:11, margin). In Luk 9:28; Luk 9:37, “the hill” (oros) is the mountain of transfiguration. In Luk 1:39 “the hill country” ought to be translated “the mountain country” of Judah.
Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary
HILL.In Luk 3:5; Luk 23:30 is distinguished from , which in LXX Septuagint commonly stands for , and as representing the lesser eminence, is properly rendered hill. Language like that of Luk 23:30 is used in hyperbole to-day by Easterns, of preparing a highway for royalty through a practically roadless country. In two cases (Mat 5:14, Luk 4:29) Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885 retains Authorized Version rendering of , hill. In Luk 9:37 Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885 rightly substitutes mountain. Perhaps we should read mountain also in Mat 5:14. There is nothing to show that any particular city was referred to, but if the words were spoken on any height west of the Lake, Safed, with white walls gleaming in the sun, must have been a striking feature in the landscape. It stands literally on a mountain, to the north, nearly 3500 ft. above the Sea of Galilee. Ancient Nazareth, however, was built on the slope of a hill to which mountain could hardly apply.
Hill country ( , Luk 1:39; Luk 1:65). is a frequent LXX Septuagint equivalent of . The use of Heb. closely resembles that of Arab, jebel, which denotes a single height, but also a whole range, as Jebel Libnn; or a definite part of a range, as Jebel Nblusthis indicating that portion of the mountain which is under the government of Nblus. This expression and Jebel el-Kuds the present writer has often heard on Palestinian lips, without any sense of vagueness or confusion. was the mountainthe central range as distinguished from the plain and the Shephelah on the west, and the Arabah on the east. Jebel el-Kuds, mountain of Jerusalem, is perhaps the nearest modern equivalent of , that part of the mountain associated with the tribe of Judah. See, further, art. Mountain.
W. Ewing.
Fuente: A Dictionary Of Christ And The Gospels
“a hill or mountain,” is translated “hill” in Mat 5:14; Luk 4:29; “mountain” in Luk 9:37, RV, AV, “hill” (of the mount of transfiguration) as in Luk 9:28. See MOUNTAIN.
an adjective meaning “mountainous, hilly,” is used in the feminine, oreine, as a noun, and rendered “hill country” in Luk 1:39, Luk 1:65. See COUNTRY.
“a mound, heap, height,” is translated “hill” in Luk 3:5; “hills” in Luk 23:30.
Note: In Act 17:22, AV, pagos is translated “hill.” “The Areopagus,” RV, stands for the council (not hill) held near by.
Fuente: Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words
Psa 2:6 (a) This is a clear reference to the Mount of Olives on which the Lord JESUS will stand when He returns to this earth to set up His kingdom. (See also Zec 14:4).
Psa 3:4 (a) This word is used as a type of the high and holy place where GOD sits upon His throne in Heaven.
Psa 24:3 (b) By this we understand the action of that one who seeks to come into GOD’s presence in prayer and worship. He must be cleansed by the precious Blood, and must be washed by the Word of GOD.
Isa 40:4 (c) This probably refers to real hills which prevent so much of this earth from being usable and tillable. Also may be a type of the difficulties, obstructions and hindrances in the Christian pathway which the Lord removes as it pleases Him. (See also Luk 3:5).
Isa 40:12 (c) Chemical elements are combined by weight rather than by volume. All mountains and hills are made of many chemical elements which have been put into combinations by the Creator, our Lord. GOD must know the weight of each mountain and hill in order that these may be balanced against the weight of the water in the oceans. A pint of water weighs a pound, so our Lord measures the waters in order that He may know their weight. The earth is a ball which rotates upon its axis and therefore it must be balanced, or else it would fly to pieces. GOD therefore does measure the waters, weigh the hills, and weigh the mountains so that the weight would be equally distributed throughout every part of the earth. The Lord is telling us this great fact so that we may reverence Him, worship Him, and rejoice in the GOD who can do it, and does do it for our blessing. He is perhaps teaching us that He knows all the troubles, sorrows, disappointments and victories of our lives, and knows how to balance them perfectly to give us a wonderful experience of living.
Psa 68:16 (b) Here is a picture of the joy and gladness which fills the hearts of the rulers of. Israel when GOD rules and reigns in Jerusalem.
Psa 114:6 (b) We probably are to learn from this that difficulties and problems, large and small, are no problem to GOD. He removes all hindrances easily.
Mat 5:14 (b) This is a type of the blessed influence a Christian exerts when he takes an out and out stand for CHRIST so that the world can see and recognize his faith.