Herbert De Losing

Herbert De Losing

a Norman prelate, was born at Hiesmes (pagus Oximiensis), in Normandy, about the middle of the 11th century. He was a monk, and afterwards prior of the abbey of Fecamp. William Rufus called him to England in 1087, and made him abbot of Ramsey. By the royal favor, or some other means, Herbert became so rich that, in 1091, he bought from the king, for the price of 1000. livres, the bishopric of Thetford for himself, and the abbey of Winchester for his brother Robert. This most scandalous transaction was generally censured, and Herbert went to Rome to seek absolution from his simony. On his return to England he transferred the episcopal seat of Thetford to Norwich. At Thetford he founded a convent of monks of Cluny, and built a cathedral; also a monastery and two churches at Norwich, three churches at Elmham, at Lynn, and at Yarmouth. The last years of his life Herbert consecrated to the establishment of. ecclesiastical discipline, thus effacing the spot upon his entry into the episcopacy. William of Malmesburv speaks of Herbert as a man of great knowledge, and Henry of Huntingdon makes mention of his writings. He died July 22, 1119. According to Bayle, he composed a book of Sermons, eighteen in number, two treatises, De Prolixitate Temporum et De Fine Mundi, monastic rules, a collection of letters, and a treatise, Ad Anselum, etc., for which see Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature