Guldin, John C., DD
a prominent minister of the German Reformed Church, was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, in August 1799. He was ordained in 1820, and settled as pastor over some congregations in Montgomery County, where he labored successfully until 1841, when he removed to Chambersburg, taking charge of several congregations in the vicinity. After laboring here, about one year, he was called to take charge of the German Evangelical Mission Church, in the city of New York. In this field he labored with great acceptance and success up to the time of his death, February 18, 1863. Dr. Guldin, was a man of fine talents, ardent feelings, and great energy of character. Besides his pastoral duties, he also labored in connection with the American Tract Society. He published a volume of Sermons, and aided in getting up a German hymn-book for the use of the Reformed Dutch Church. “He had a fellow-feeling for all in sorrow, and could speak from a sweet experience for the comfort of such.” See Harbaugh, Fathers of the Germ. Ref. Church, 4:158. (D.Y.H.)