besides its proper signification, occurs in the A. V. in the sense of liable as a rendering of Num 35:31; Mat 26:66; Mar 14:64; and Mat 23:18, like the Lat. reus.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
gilti: In addition to the general discussion under GUILT (which see), several New Testament passages demand special notice because the word guilty is not used in the principal sense of blameworthy, but with one of the two lesser meanings noted above which go to make up the complete idea. In 3 of these passages the King James Version renders guilty and the Revised Version (British and American) gives another rendering. In Mat 26:66 the King James Version, Jesus’ foes declare he is guilty of death (, enochos, liable to). Here guilty simply means the one who is legally held, and the reference is not to the blame but to the consequence. This is a true use of the word in the lower and legal sense. It does not correspond with our higher usage, and so we have it in the Revised Version (British and American) worthy of death. So in Rom 3:19, guilty is changed to under the judgment, and in Mat 23:18, to debtor.
In Jam 2:10 and 1Co 11:27, the word guilty is also used in the lesser or more primitive sense, not primarily as involving blame but as involving the sinner’s authorship or responsibility. This is the first element suggested in the definition of guilt given above, just as the preceding passages illustrate the third element. The man who stumbles in one point is guilty of the whole law. James does not refer here to the degree of blameworthiness. Guilty of means transgressor of, and he has transgressed the whole because the law is one. So in 1Co 11:27, those guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord are those who have transgressed in the matter of the body and the blood of the Lord.