Guillaume (Saint) Pinchon
a French prelate, was born in 1184, in the parish of St. Alban, of poor agriculturist parents. Being admitted in early youth as a clerk of the Church of St.- Brieuc, he soon distinguished himself among his colleagues, early obtained a canonicate, and in 1220 was appointed bishop of St. Brieuc. The bishops of Brittany at that time were engaged in serious. disputes with Peter Mauclerc. Guillaume being summoned to obey this formidable leader, responded by a sentence of excommunication. The reply of Peter. Mauelerc was the exile of the prelate, and the imprisonment of the priests who were known as his most devoted partisans. But the court of Rome took up the defence of Guillaume, and made his exile of short duration. He had left his diocese in 1228, and returned to it again in 1231. He died in 1234. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.