Guild of Our Lady of Ransom
Founded in London , 1887 , by the Reverend Philip Fletcher and Lister Drummond, a metropolitan police magistrate. Its headquarters are in London. The three special intentions of the Guild are:
the conversion of England and Wales in general, and of individuals in particular;
the rescue of apostates and those in danger of apostasy;
the forgotten dead, who, owing to the Reformation, or to being isolated converts, or other causes, are without special Masses and prayers.
The White Cross Ransomer, a priest, pledges himself to offer up the Holy Sacrifice at stated intervals for the intentions of the guild, and the laity undertake to say daily the special “Ransom” prayer. Blue Cross Ransomers obligations are purely spiritual. Red Cross Ransomers engage in some active work for the conversion of England and Wales, e.g., outdoor speaking from Evidence Guild platforms. The Ransom Guild is responsible for organizing annual processions through the streets in about 40 parishes in Greater London, and also the famous “Tyburn Walk” from the site of old Newgate Prison to Marble Arch, in honor of the martyrs who there suffered for the faith. Nine English pilgrimages are also conducted annually:
Chelsea (Blessed Sir Thomas More)
King’s Lynn (the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham)
Padley Wood
Saint Albans
The Guild of Ransom engaged in outdoor preaching for some 30 years before the Catholic Evidence Guilds were established. Between these different organizations there is now sympathetic cooperation. The Ransom Guild has developed a most important activity in the form of church extension work. Funds are collected for the building of churches and for the maintenance of priests in poor districts, grants being made from time to time to the bishops of various dioceses according to their needs. The guild has a constitution approved by the hierarchy of England and Wales, and is controlled by an elected executive committee of which the Reverend John H. Filmer, Master of the Guild, is chairman. The president is His Holiness Pope Pius XI, who on a number of occasions has shown a cordial personal interest in the work. In recent years the Guild has obtained permission from the different local authorities for the celebration of Mass on the site of the high altar in a number of the ruined abbeys of England . Its activities are recorded in the monthly magazine “The Second Spring.” Contact information:
31 Southdown Road
SW20 8QJ
vox/020 8947 2598
fax/020 8944 6355