Guidonis, Bernard

Guidonis, Bernard

a celebrated French prelate, was born in the vicinity of Limoges, near La Roche l’Abeille, in 1260. He entered the convent of the Dominicans at Limoges, September 16, 1279. In 1293 he taught theology in the convent of Alby, in 1301 was appointed prior of Castres, and in 1305 of Limoges. Guidonis went to Toulouse, in 1307, to enforce the inquisition against the Albigenses. In 1317 he was appointed procuratorgeneral of his order at the court of Rome, and was charged by the pope, John XXII, with several negotiations, and on the conclusion of peace between France and Flanders, he was rewarded by being made bishop of Lodeve (Lower Languedoc). He died December 30, 1331. Some of his principal writings are, Traitis Theologiques Touchant les Articles de Foi: Traite de la Pauvrete de Jesus-Christ: Pratique de l’Office d’Inquisiteur: Le Miroir des Saints: Une Chronique des Souverains Pontifes, etc. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature