Galla Version Of The Scriptures

Galla Version Of The Scriptures

The Galla language is spoken by the Gallas (q.v.). While Dr. Krapf resided in Shoa, between the years 1839 and 1842, he translated the gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John, the epistle to the Romans, and the book of Genesis. The gospel of Matthew and five chapters of the gospel of John were printed in Roman letters. the copies being designed for distribution among the Galla tribes around Shoa, where the Church Missionary Society contemplated the establishment of a mission. The opposition of the Abyssinian priesthood led, however, to the abandonment in 1844, of the Shoa mission, and the station was accordingly transferred to the Wanika country, whence it was hoped that opportunities for a wider dissemination of the Bible than that originally the society might accrue. But these hopes have been doomed to be disappointed. Of late the translation of the Bible into the Galla language has again been taken up by the Reverend Dr. Krapf, and among the translations published, the British and Foreign Bible Society announced, for the year 1876 the New Test. in Galla, printed in Amharic characters. Besides the New Test. there ale also printed the books of Genesisand Exodus, the latter having left the press in 1877. For the study of the language, see Tutschek, Dictionary and Grammar of the Galla Language (Munich, 1844-45). (B.P.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature