Gall, St., Manuscript

Gall, St., Manuscript

(CODEX SANGALLENSIS, usually designated as of the Gospels), one of the most important of the later uncial MSS., containing the four Gospels (with only a single hiatus, Joh 19:17-35) and an interlined Latin version, rudely written on coarse vellum in a very peculiar character. It comprises 197 leaves, 4to, 10 inches by 81 in size, with 20 to 26 (usually 21) lines of text on each page. Before Matthew are placed prologues, Latin verses, the Eusebian canons in Roman letters, tables of the in Greek and Lat., etc. The text is divided into regular . There are also , and the Ammonian sections. It has so many resemblances to the Codex Boernerianus (G of Paul’s epistles), as to show that they both once belonged together. SEE BOERNER MANUSCRIPT. The Gospel of Mark seems to represent a text different from that of the other evangelists. It agrees in general with the older MSS. There are scarcely any breathings or accents; the words are often wrongly divided, with dots at the end of almost every Greek word, and marks > > > inserted to fill up vacant spaces.

This MS. is preserved in the monastery of St. Gall, Switzerland, where it was probably transcribed originally. It was first inspected by Gerbert in 1773, was named by Scholz (in his N.T. 1830), and has been published in a full lithographic facsimile of every page by Rettig (Zurich, 1836), with Prolegomena. It seems to have been written by Latin (perhaps Irish) monks in the 9th century. Scrivener, Introd. page 122 sq.; Tregelles in Home’s Introduction, 4:196 sq. SEE MANUSCRIPTS, BIBLICAL.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature