Freud. Sigmund

Freud. Sigmund

(1856-1940) Founder of the Psvcho-analytic school (see Psycho-Analysis), studied medicine at the University of Vienna, and becoming interested in the treatment of neuroses, went to Paris in 1885 to study under Charcot and later examined the methods employed by the Nancy school. In his own practice, he employed hypnotic methods of treatment (see Hypnosis, Hypnotism) in combination with his own techniques of free association and dream interpretation. (The Interpretation of Dreams, German ed., 1900.) Psychopathology of Everyday Life, German ed., 1901.) Freud not only developed a therapeutic technique for the treatment of hysteria and neuroses but advanced an elaborate psychological theory of which the main tenets are the predominance of sex and the doctrine of the subconscious.

Freud’s writings in addition to those already includeWit and its Relation to the Unconscious, 1905; General Introduction to Psycho-Analysis, Eng. trans., 1920-1 — L.W.

Fuente: The Dictionary of Philosophy