Ehrlich, Johann Gottlieb
a Lutheran minister of Germany, was born at Rabenau, in Saxony, in 1719. He studied at Leipsic, where he also lectured for some time; in 1753 was appointed pastor at Poppendorf, and in 1760 preacher at Wezdorf, in Thuringia. He died March 4, 1779, leaving, De Quadragesimae Jejunio (Leipsic, 1744): De Erroribus Pauli Samosateni (ibid. 1745): De Genuina Voce . Significatione (ibid. eod.): De Opprobrio AEgypti Ablato (ibid. eod.). See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)