Ehinger, Johann

Ehinger, Johann

grandfather of Elias, was born at Lauingen in 1488. For some time he was a monk, but professed the Evangelical religion, and in 1537 became preacher at St. Stephen’s, in Augsburg. Being obliged, on account of his religion, to leave the place in 1551, he became general superintendent, of Pfalz-Neuburg, assisted in introducing the evangelical doctrine into the Palatinate, and died at 1572, having been recalled there in 1555, after the treaty of Passau had been signed. See Brucker, Vita Elie Ehingeri; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; (B.P.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature