In a general sense, denotes immutability, or invariableness. When applied to the human mind, it is a steady adherence to those schemes and resolutions which have been maturely formed; the effect of which is, that a man never drops a good design out of fear, and is consistent with himself in all his words and actions. Constancy is more particularly required of us.
1. In our devotions, Luk 18:1. 1Th 5:17-18.
2. Under our sufferings, Mat 5:12-13. 1Pe 4:12-13.
3. In our profession and character, Heb 10:23.
4. In our beneficence, Gal 6:9.
5. In our friendships, Pro 27:10.
Fuente: Theological Dictionary
The virtue whereby one bears the continual burden of a Christian life. It differs from perscverance in this, that as perseverance regards the attaining of the end, with a special difficulty in the length of time to reach it; so constancy, regarding rather the succession of impediments, overcomes their number and variety.
Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
In obedience
Psa 119:31; Psa 119:33
In friendship
Pro 27:10
Under suffering
Mat 5:12; Heb 12:5; 1Pe 4:12-16
In prayer
Luk 18:1; Rom 12:12; Eph 6:18; Col 4:2; 1Th 5:17
In beneficence
Gal 6:9
In profession
Heb 10:23
Instances of:
– Ruth
Rth 1:14
– Jonathan
1Sa 18:1; 1Sa 20:16
– Priscilla and Aquila
Rom 16:3-4 Character; Stability