Champion (De Nilon), Charles Francois
a French theologian, was born at Rennes, Feb. 1, 1724. He entered the order of the Jesuits, Feb. 2, 1757, and taught theology at La Fleche. After the dissolution of his order he became priest of the Church of St. Vincent at Orleans; but having refused to take the oath to the constitution, he had to hide himself during the reign of terror, and died at his retreat, in 1794, leaving Critique Posthume d’un Ouvrage de Voltaire (London, 1772, 8vo): Reflexions sur les Observations de Clement (Orleans and Paris, 1772, 2 vols. 12mo): Morceaux Choisis des Prophetes (1777, 2 vols. 12mo): Amusements Lyriques (Paris, 1778, 8vo): Catechisme Pratique (1783, 12mo): Nouvelles Histoires et Paraboles (Paris, 1786,12mo; Lyons, 1820 12mo; and Paris, 1825,18mo). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gnrale, s.v.