Balsamon, Theodore

Balsamon, Theodore

A canonist of the Greek Church, born in the second half of the twelfth century at Constantinople; died there, after 1195 (Petit). He was a deacon nomophylax, or guardian of the Laws, and from 1178 to 1183, under the Patriarch Theodosius, he had charge of all ecclesiastical trials or cases. In 1193 he became Greek Patriarch of Antioch. Balsamon’s best work is his “Scholia”, or commentary on the “Nomocanon” of Photius, published first in Latin at Paris (1561), at Basle (1562); in Greek and Latin at Paris (1615), and again at Basle (1620). It is also found in Beveridge’s “Pandecta Canonum”, Oxford, 1672 (P. G., cxxxvii-viii). From 1852 to 1860, Rhalli and Potli published at Athens a collection of the sources of Greek canon law which contains Balsamon’s commentary. In his “Scholia” Balsamon insists on existing laws, and dwells on the relation between canons and laws &#151 ecclesiastical and civil constitutions &#151 giving precedence to the former. Balsamon also compiled a collection of ecclesiastical constitutions and wrote other works, in all of which is apparent his animosity towards the Roman Church. Two of his letters were published: one treating of fasting, the other on the admission of novices into monasteries.


KREUTZWALD in Kirchenlex., s. v.; BEVERIDGE, Prœf. in Pandecta Can., P. G., LXX, 11 sqq.; MORTREUIL, Hist. du droit byzantin (Paris, 1846), III, 1432-45; KRUMBACHER, Gesch. des byzant. litt. (Munich, 1897).

ANDREW B. MEEHAN. Transcribed by Douglas J. Potter Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume IICopyright © 1907 by Robert Appleton CompanyOnline Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. KnightImprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York

Fuente: Catholic Encyclopedia

Balsamon, Theodore

an eminent canonist of the Greek Church, was born at Constantinople in the I twelfth century; was made chancellor and librarian of the church of St. Sophia, and about 1186 became patriarch of Antioch, without, however, being able to go there to discharge the functions of the office since the city was occupied by the Latins, who had intruded a bishop of their own. He died about 1200. His first work (which he undertook at the wish of the Emperor Manuel Communes and the patriarch Michael Anchialus) was Photii Nomocanon Canones SS. Apostolorum, etc. (with a Commentary on the Canons of the Apostles and the general and particular Councils, and on the Canonical Epistles of the Fathers), printed at Paris; 1615, fol.; also a Commentary on the Syntagma of Photius, given in Beveridge, Synodicon, sive Pandectai Canonum (Oxon. 1672-82, 2 vols. fol.). For an account of Balsamon and his works, see Beveridge’s Synodicon, Prolegomena to vol. 1. Cave, Hist. Lit. anno 1180; Hoefer, Biog. Generale, 4:311.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature