Zoology, Biblical This, like all other scientific subjects, is practically and incidentally, rather than systematically and designedly, treated in the Scriptures, yet many animals are mentioned, and their characteristics are given with substantial accuracy. In the Talmud a more copious and minute description is given of many animals (see Lewysohn, Die Zoologie des Talmuds [Frankfort-on- … Continue reading “Zoology, Biblical”
Author: Administrador
Zoology zo-olo-ji: A systematic list of the animals of the Bible includes representatives of the principal orders of mammals, birds and reptiles, and not a few of the lower animals. For further notices of animals in the following list, see the articles referring to them: Mammals: PRIMATES: Ape INSECTIVORA: Hedgehog. MOLE (which see) not found … Continue reading “Zoology”
Zoolatry (Greek and ), the worship of animals. SEE ANIMAL WORSHIP; SEE IDOLATRY. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zonaras, John
Zonaras, John Byzantine chronicler and canonist, lived from the latter part of the eleventh to about the middle of the twelfth century. Under Emperor Alexis Comnenus he was commander of the imperial body-guard and first secretary of the imperial chancery. Later he became a monk at Hagia Glykeria (one of the Princes’ Islands now know … Continue reading “Zonaras, John”
Zonaras, Johannes
Zonaras, Johannes a Byzantine historian, was born in the last part of the 11th century, and died about 1130.. He was secretary to the emperor Alexius Comnenus. After the death of Alexius (1118) he retired to the monastery of St. Elijah, in Mount Athos, and devoted himself to theological and literary studies. His Chronicle, from … Continue reading “Zonaras, Johannes”
Zollner, Johann Friedrich
Zollner, Johann Friedrich a Lutheran theologian, was born April 24, 1753. He studied at Frankfort, was in 1779 preacher at Berlin, declined a call as superintendent to Neu- Brandenburg in 1782, and remained at Berlin as pastor of St. Mary’s, where he died, Sept. 12, 1804. He published, Disputcatio pro Unicitate Dei (Frankfort, 1776): Ueber … Continue reading “Zollner, Johann Friedrich”
Zollikofer, Georg Joachim
Zollikofer, Georg Joachim a famous preacher of Leipsic, was born at Saint Gall, Aug. 5 1730. He attended the gymnasia of Saint Gall and Bremen, and afterwards the University of Utrecht; giving attention rather to literature than theology at the latter place, and cultivating a finished, diction. He became a family tutor at Frankfort-on-the-Main in … Continue reading “Zollikofer, Georg Joachim”
Zolkiewski, Stanislaus
Zolkiewski, Stanislaus Chancellor of Poland, born in Tuyrnka (Red Russia), 1547; died at Cecora, 6 Oct., 1620. He studied at Lemberg with great distinction, and it is said that he knew all Horace by heart. With his friend Zamoyski he fought under King Stephen Báthori in the wars against Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Both distinguished … Continue reading “Zolkiewski, Stanislaus”
Zoheth (Heb. Zocheth’, , sag [Frst]; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Zoheth), first named of the two sons, of Ishi of the tribe of Judah (1Ch 4:20), the other being called Ben-zoheth (q.v.). B.C. post 1618. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zoheth snatching (?), one of the sons of Ishi (1 Chr. 4:20). … Continue reading “Zoheth”
Zoheleth, The Stone of
Zoheleth, The Stone of zohe-leth, ( , ‘ebhen ha-zoheleth, serpent’s stone): And Adonijah slew sheep and oxen and fatlings by the stone of Zoheleth, which is beside En-rogel (1Ki 1:9). Evidently this was a sacred stone – probably a maccebhah such as marked a Canaanite sanctuary. A source of living water has always in the … Continue reading “Zoheleth, The Stone of”