
Zoroaster (more correctly Zarathustra, which in Greek and Latin was corrupted into Zarastrades and Zoroastres, while the Persians and Parsees changed it into Zerdusht) was the founder of the Parsee religion. The original meaning of the word was probably that of “chief,” “senior,” “high-priest,” and it was a common designation of a spiritual guide and … Continue reading “Zoroaster”

Zorn, Peter

Zorn, Peter a German theological writer, was born at Hamburg, May 22, 1682. In 1715 he was called as rector to Plon, in Holstein; in 1725 became professor of history, in 1729 that of Church history at the gymnasium in Stettin, and died at Thorn, January 23, 1746. He published, De Scholis Publicis quas Antiqui … Continue reading “Zorn, Peter”

Zorites, The

Zorites, The Zo’rites, The. The Zorites are named in the genealogies of Judah, 1Ch 2:54, apparently among the descendants of Salma and near connections of Joab. Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary


Zorites Descendants of Salma of Judah, near related to Joab (1Ch 2:54). Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary Zorites ZORITES.See Zorah. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Zorites zorts (, cor; Codex Vaticanus , ho Hesarse; Codex Alexandrinus , ho Hesarae) : In 1Ch 2:54 for Zorites we should probably read ZORATHITES (which see). These formed a … Continue reading “Zorites”


Zorite (Heb. Tsori’, , a patronymic; Sept. v v.r. ; Vulg. Sarai; A.V. Zorites), the designation apparently of the inhabitants of Zorah (q v.), mentioned in 1Ch 2:54 as descended from Salma the brother of Shobal, and hence classed with the descendants of the latter the Zareathites and the Eshtaulites (1Ch 2:53). Fuente: Cyclopedia of … Continue reading “Zorite”


Zoreah (Jos 15:33). SEE ZORAH. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zoreah (See ZORAH.) Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary Zoreah zore-a (, corah): the King James Version of Jos 15:33 for ZORAH (which see). Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Zoreah [Zo’reah] See ZORAH. Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary Zoreah Zo’reah. See Zorah. Fuente: Smith’s Bible … Continue reading “Zoreah”

Zorathites, The

Zorathites, The Zo’rathites, The. That is, the people of Zorah, mentioned in 1Ch 4:2 as descended from Shobal. Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary


Zorathites zorath-ts (, corath; , Sarathaoi (1Ch 2:53, the King James Version Zareathites), Codex Vaticanus , ho Arathe; Codex Alexandrinus , ho Sarath (4 2)): The inhabitants of Zorah, who are said to be descended from Kiriath-jearim families. Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Zorathites [Zo’rathites] Family descended from Shobal, son of Judah: probably so called … Continue reading “Zorathites”


Zorathite (Heb. Tsorathi’, , patronymic from Zorah; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Sorathi; A.V. Zorathites), a designation of the inhabitants of Zorah (q.v.), mentioned in 1Ch 4:2 as descended from Shobal, one of the sons of Judah, who in 2, 52 is stated to have founded Kirjath jearim, from which again the Zareathites and the Eshtaulites … Continue reading “Zorathite”

Zorah, Zareah, Zoreah

Zorah, Zareah, Zoreah [Zo’rah] [Za’reah] [Zo’reah] City in the west of Judah, but reckoned to Dan, on the Philistine frontier: it was the birth-place of Samson, and he was buried in its neighbourhood. Jos 15:33; Jos 19:41; Jdg 13:2; Jdg 13:25; Jdg 16:31; Jdg 18:2; Jdg 18:8; Jdg 18:11; 2Ch 11:10; Neh 11:29. Identified with … Continue reading “Zorah, Zareah, Zoreah”