
Zuar (Heb. Tsuar’, , littleness; Sept. ; Vulg. Suar), the father of Nethaneel, which latter was the chief of the tribe of Issachar at the time of the Exode (Num 1:8; Num 2:5; Num 7:18; Num 7:23; Num 10:15). B.C. ante 1658. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zuar Father of Nethaneel, chief … Continue reading “Zuar”

Zouch, Thomas, D.D

Zouch, Thomas, D.D a learned English divine, was born at Sandal, near Wakefield, Yorkshire, in 1737. He was educated at Wakefield School and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated in 1761. He became a fellow of his college in 1763, and was appointed assistant tutor. In 1770 he became rector of Wycliffe, in the … Continue reading “Zouch, Thomas, D.D”

Zosimus, Pope Saint

Zosimus, Pope Saint (Reigned 417-18). Year of birth unknown; died 27 December, 418. After the death of Pope Innocent I on 12 March, 417, Zosimus was elected his successor. According to the “Liber Pontificalis” Zosimus was a Greek and his father’s name was Abram. Harnack (Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie, 1904, 1050) wished to deduce from … Continue reading “Zosimus, Pope Saint”

Zosimus, bp. of Rome

Zosimus, bp. of Rome Zosimus (4), bp. of Rome after Innocent I., from Mar 18, 417, to Dec. 25, 418, under Honorius as the Western and Theodosius II. as the Eastern emperor. Coelestius, having been expelled from Constantinople by the patriarch Atticus, went to Rome, a.d. 417, hoping for the support of Zosimus, who had … Continue reading “Zosimus, bp. of Rome”

Zosimus (5)

Zosimus Byzantine historian of the fifth and sixth century; dates of birth and death unknown. Nothing further is known of the circumstances of the life of this writer, to whom we owe a history of the era of the Roman empire up to 410, than that he was a lawyer connected with the treasury at … Continue reading “Zosimus (5)”


Zorzelleus ZORZELLEUS (AV [Note: Authorized Version.] Berzelus, 1Es 5:28 = Barzillai of Ezr 2:51 and Neh 7:55).A daughter of his, named Augia, is mentioned as married to Addus, the ancestor of a priestly family, who could not trace their genealogy at the return under Zerubbabel. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Zorzelleus zor-zele-us (, Zorzelleos, … Continue reading “Zorzelleus”


Zorphi (Heb. with the art. hats-Tsorephi’, ; Sept. ; Vulg. aurificis; A.V. “the goldsmith “) is a marginal suggestion in Neh 3:31, for the name of the father of Malchiah, as if a proper name, but probably without good reason. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


ZOROBABEL See ZERUBBABEL. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Zorobabel Mat 1:12-13; Luk 3:27. (See ZERUBBABEL.) Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary Zorobabel ZOROBABEL.See Zerubbabel. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Zorobabel See Zerubbabel Fuente: The Poor Mans Concordance and Dictionary to the Sacred Scriptures Zorobabel zo-roba-bel, zo-roba-bel (, Zorobabel): In the King James Version; Greek form … Continue reading “Zorobabel”


Zoroastrianism ZOROASTRIANISM.See Magi. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Zoroastrianism zo-ro-astri-an-iz’m: I.HISTORY Sources II.RELATION TO ISRAEL 1.Influence on Occident 2.Popular Judaism 3.Possible Theological Influence 4.Angelology and Demonology 5.Eschatology 6.Messiah 7.Ethics 8.Summary LITERATURE I. History. Sources: The sacred book of the Persians, the Avesta, is a work of which only a small part has survived. Tradition … Continue reading “Zoroastrianism”