Zidon, Sidon [Zi’don] [Si’don] Eldest son of Canaan, son of Ham, and the city in Phoenicia founded by his descendants. Gen 10:15; Gen 10:19. In scripture Tyre is nearly always mentioned first, though it is probable that in early days Zidon had the supremacy, which led to the district of Phoenicia being called Sidon, and … Continue reading “Zidon, Sidon”
Author: Administrador
ZIDON See SIDON. The word Zidonians often includes all the Phoenicians, as well as the inhabitants of Zidon. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Zidon (Heb. Tsidon’, [nor briefer , Gen 10:15; Gen 10:19; Gen 49:13], fishery [Gesen.] or fortress [Frst]; Sept. [usually], New Test., and classical writers generally, ; A.V. Sidon in Gen 49:13; … Continue reading “ZIDON”
Zidkijah (Neh 10:1). SEE ZEDKKIAH. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zidkijah the Lord is righteous, one who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah (Neh. 10:1). Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary Zidkijah That is, ZEDEKIAH, a priest who signed the covenant (Neh 10:1). Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary Zidkijah [Zidki’jah] Priest who sealed the covenant. Neh … Continue reading “Zidkijah”
Ziddim (Heb. with the art. hats-Tsiddinm’, , the declivities; Sept. [apparently reading for ]; Vittig, Assedim), the first named of the fortified towns of the tribe of Naplitali (Jos 19:35), Zer being mentioned next; but the two names are probably to be connected as one. SEE ZER. The Sept. (as above) identifies the place with … Continue reading “Ziddim”
Zid-Kijah zid-kja. See ZEDEKIAH, 5. Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Zickler, Friedrich Samuel
Zickler, Friedrich Samuel a Protestanti theologian of Germany, was born November 14, 1721, at Schwabsdorf, in Weimar. He studied at Jena, where he was made magister in 1744, on presenting a dissertation, Ad Vaticinium Jacobaeum Genes. 49:12. In 1758 he was made professor of philosophy, and at the jubilee of the Jena University was made … Continue reading “Zickler, Friedrich Samuel”
ZICHRI A valiant Ephraimite prince, general of Pekah king of Israel in the war with Ahaz, 2Ch 28:7 . He is perhaps the man called “Tabeal’s son,” Isa 8:6, whom Rezin and Pekah proposed to make king of Judah. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Zichri (Heb. Zikr , umy memorial or memzorable; Sept. v.r. … Continue reading “Zichri”
Zibiah (Heb. Tsibyah’, ; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Sebi(l), a native of Beer-sheba, mother of king Jehoash of Judah (2Ki 12:1; 2Ch 24:1), and consequently wife (or concubine) of his father, Ahaziah. B.C. 876. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zibiah the mother of King Joash (2 Kings 12:1; 2 Chr. 24:1). Fuente: … Continue reading “Zibiah”
Zibia (Heb. Tsibya’, ; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Sebia), a Benjamite, second named of the seven sons of Shaharaim (q.v.) by one of his two wives, Hodesh (1Ch 8:9). B.C. post 1612. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zibia gazelle, a Benjamite (1 Chr. 8:9). Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary Zibia A Benjamite, son … Continue reading “Zibia”
Zibeon (Heb. Tsibon’, , dyed [Gesen.] or robber [Frst]; Sept.’ ; Vulg. Sebeon), the father of Anah, whose daughter Aholibamah was Esau’s wife (Gen 36:2). B.C. ante 1963. Although called a Hivite, he is probably the same as Zibeon the son of Seir the Horite (Gen 36:20; Gen 36:24; Gen 36:29; 1 Chronicles 1, 38, … Continue reading “Zibeon”