ZILLAH Gen 4:19 . See LAMECHI. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Zillah (Heb. Tsillah’, , shade; Sept. ; Vulg. Sella), last named of the two wives of Lamech the Cainite, to whom he addressed his song (Gen 4:19; Gen 4:22-23). B.C. cir. 3500. She was the mother of Tubal- Cain and Naamah. Dr. Kalisch … Continue reading “Zillah”
Author: Administrador
ZIKLAG A city of Judah and Simeon, on the borders of the Philistines, Jos 15:31 ; 19:5, who held it until the time of Saul, when Achish king of Gath gave it to David. Hither many other refugees from Judah resorted, and David was thus enabled to aid Achish, and to chastise the Amalekites who … Continue reading “Ziklag”
Ziim SEE TSIYIM. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Ziha (Heb. Tsicha’. ,’ parched; Sept. v.r. , , , etc.; Vulg. Siha, Soha, Soaha), the name of two Hebrews. 1. One of the Nethinim whose children returned from Babylon with Ze’rubbabel (Ezr 2:43; Neh 7:46). B.C. ante 53. 2. First named of the two chief Nethinim resident in Ophel after the Captivity (Neh 11:21). … Continue reading “Ziha”
Zigliara, Tommaso Maria
Zigliara, Tommaso Maria (Baptismal name, FRANCESCO). Cardinal, theologian, and philosopher, b. at Bonifacio, a seaport town of Corsica, toward the end of October, 1833; d. in Rome, 11 May, 1893. His early Classical studies were made in his native town under the Jesuit teacher, Father Aloysius Piras. At the age of eighteen he was received … Continue reading “Zigliara, Tommaso Maria”
Zigabenus, Euthymius
Zigabenus, Euthymius SEE EUTHYMIUS ZIGABENUS. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
ZIF The second month of the Hebrew year, also called Iyar, and nearly corresponding to our May, 1Ki 6:1 . Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Zif (Heb. Ziv, , bloom; Sept. v.r. , Vulg. Zio), the early name (1Ki 6:1; 1Ki 6:37) of the second Hebrew month IYAR SEE IYAR (q.v.), corresponding to April … Continue reading “Zif”
Zierold, Johann Wilhelm
Zierold, Johann Wilhelm a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born May 14, 1669, at Neustadt- oberWiesenthal, in Meissen. He studied at Leipsic, travelled extensively through Austria, Holland, and’ England, was appointed, in 1696, pastor and professor of theology at the Groningen College in Stargard, received the doctorate of theology in 1698, and died September 1, … Continue reading “Zierold, Johann Wilhelm”
Zierikzee, Cornelius van
Zierikzee, Cornelius van Born at Zierikzee (whence he takes his surname), a town in the Province of Zeeland, Holland, about 1405, d. 21 Feb., 1462. The strict observance of the Franciscan Rule, upheld and propagated throughout Italy by St. Bernardine of Siena and St. John Capistran, was early introduced into Germany. At twenty Cornelius entered … Continue reading “Zierikzee, Cornelius van”
Ziehen, Theodor
Ziehen, Theodor (b. 1862) A German thinker whose main interest lay in the field of physiological psychology. — R.B.W. Fuente: The Dictionary of Philosophy