
Zina (Heb. Zina’, , perhaps abundance; Sept. , Vulg. Ziza), second named of the four sons’ of Shimei the Gershonite (1Ch 23:10). B.C. 1043. In 1Ch 23:11.he is called ZIZAH SEE ZIZAH (q.v.), and some MSS. here have Ziza (), like the Sept. aid Vulg. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zina ornament, … Continue reading “Zina”


Zin, Wilderness of The N.E. portion of the wilderness of Paran. (See PARAN.) The spring of Kadesh lay in it (Num 20:1; Num 27:14; Deu 32:51). (See KADESH.) It probably stretched from the Arabah on the E. to Kadesh on the W. The wilderness of Zin formed the immediate boundary of Canaan (Num 13:21; Num … Continue reading “ZIN, WILDERNESS OF”


ZIN A desert on the south border of Canaan, and the west of Edom, Num 34:1-4 . It formed part of the great wilderness of Paran, Num 13:26 ; and in its north-east corner was Kadesh-barnea, memorable for the death of Miriam, the mission of the twelve spies into Canaan, the murmuring of the Israelites, … Continue reading “Zin”


ZIMRI 1. A prince of the tribe of Simeon, slain by Phinehas for his heaven- daring crime on the plains of Moab, Num 25:14 .2. A general of half the cavalry of Elah king of Israel. He rebelled against his master, killed him, and usurped his kingdom. He cut off the whole family, not sparing … Continue reading “Zimri”


Zimran (Heb. Zimran’, , celebrated; Sept. v.r. , , etc.; Vulg. Zama and Zacinr-imr), first named of the nine sons of Abraham by Keturah (Gen 25:2; 1 Chronicles 1, 32). B.C. cir. 2020. His descendants are not mentioned, nor is any hint given that he was the founder of a tribe; the contrary would rather … Continue reading “Zimran”

Zimmermann, Wilhelm

Zimmermann, Wilhelm historian and controversialist of Neustadt, in the duchy of Wurtemberg, was preacher at Wimpfew in 1569, member of consistory and court- preacher at Heidelberg in 1578, and finally (in 1586) inspector of churches and schools at Grotz. He left a Historia Germanicae, and some Litterae, which are inserted by Fecht in his collection … Continue reading “Zimmermann, Wilhelm”

Zimmermann, Mathias

Zimmermann, Mathias a German theologian, was born at Ypres, September 21, 1625. He began his studies in his native village, and afterwards went to the College of Thun (1639), and thence (1644) to the University of Strasburg, where he studied philosophy. Having decided upon a religious career, he studied at Leipsic, and in 1651 returned … Continue reading “Zimmermann, Mathias”

Zimmermann, Karl

Zimmermann, Karl a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Darmstadt, August 23, 1803. He studied theology and philology at Giessen, and, after having labored for some nyears in the department of education, was appointed deacon to the court-church at Darmstadt in 1832. From that time he remained in the ministry, advancing rapidly, and was … Continue reading “Zimmermann, Karl”