ZIPH A city of Judah, four miles south-east of Hebron; near it were wild fastness in which David for a long time lay hid, 1Sa 23:14,15 . Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary Ziph (Heb. idn. , battlement [Gesen.] or melting place [Frst]; Sept. or , with many v.r.; Vulg. Ziph or Siph), the name … Continue reading “Ziph”
Author: Administrador
Zior (Heb. Tsior’, , smallness; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Sior), a town in the highland district of Judah (Jos 15:54), where it is mentioned in the group around Hebron to the south. SEE JUDAH, TRIBE OF. Eusebius and Jerome (Onomast. s.v.. ) call it a village between Jerusalem and Eleutheropolis. It probably corresponds to the … Continue reading “Zior”
Zionites A sect of visionary fanatics which flourished in the eighteenth century at Ronsdorf in the Duchy of Berg, now part of the Prussian province of the rhine. The sect sprang from a Philadelphian society founded at Elberfeld in 1726 by Elias Eller and the pastor Daniel Schleiermacher. Eller was the foreman of a factory … Continue reading “Zionites”
Zionists Zionists are followers of the movement to segregate the Jewish people as a nation and to give it a national home either in Palestine or elsewhere. Orthodox Judaism holds to a Zionism pure and simple, the return of the Jews to Palestine, the coming of the Messias, the overthrow of hostile powers by Him, … Continue reading “Zionists”
Zion, Sion, Mount Zion
Zion, Sion, Mount Zion This was in reality a part of Jerusalem, being one of the mountains on which Jerusalem was built. Zion is often called ‘the city of David,’ it was where he dwelt. 2Sa 5:7; 1Ch 11:5; Mic 3:10; Mic 3:12. Which part of Jerusalem was thus designated is now a disputed point: … Continue reading “Zion, Sion, Mount Zion”
ZION OR SION In the New Testament, the highest and southernmost mount of Jerusalem, rising about twenty-five hundred feet above the Mediterranean, and from two to three hundred feet above the valleys at its base. It was separated from Akra on the north and Moriah on the north-west by the valley Tyropeon; and had the … Continue reading “ZION OR SION”
Zion (Gr. ) Zion was one of the hills or ridges (probably the east) on which Jerusalem was built. On this mount the Temple was built, and hence Zion was spoken of as the dwelling-place of Jahweh. Latterly it was synonymous with Jerusalem, and daughter of Zion became a prophetic designation for the whole nation. … Continue reading “Zion”
Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis, Count Von, D.D
Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis, Count Von, D.D founder of the Herrnhuters, or Moravian Brethren, was born at Dresden, May 26, 1700. According to his own account (in his Natural Reflections on Various Subjects), he aspired to form a society of believers from his boyhood. On coming of age in 1721, he settled, with this object in … Continue reading “Zinzendorf, Nicholas Lewis, Count Von, D.D”
Zingerle, Pius
Zingerle, Pius Celebrated Orientalist, born at Meran, in the Tyrol, 17 March, 1801; died at the Abbey of Marienberg near Meran, 10 January, 1881. After studying the Humanities at Meran, philosophy and two years of theology at Innsbruck, he joined the Benedictines at Marienberg in 1820, took vows, 20 October, 1822, and was ordained priest, … Continue reading “Zingerle, Pius”
Zingarelli, Niccolograve; Antonio
Zingarelli, Niccolograve; Antonio Composer, born at Naples, 4 April, 1752; died at Torre del Greco, 5 May, 1837. Having studied at the Loreto Conservatory under Fenaroli and Speranza, his first opera, “Montesuma”, was given at San Carlo, 13 August, 1781. He then went to Milan, where he remained until 1794, when he took up the … Continue reading “Zingarelli, Niccolograve; Antonio”