Zita, Saint

Zita, Saint Model and heavenly patroness of domestic servants, born early in the thirteenth century of a poor family at Montsegradi, a little village near Lucca, in Tuscany; died at Lucca, 27 April, 1271. A naturally happy disposition and the teaching of a virtuous mother, aided by Divine grace, developed in the child’s soul that … Continue reading “Zita, Saint”

Zirkel, Gregorius

Zirkel, Gregorius a Roman Catholic theologian of Germany, was born at Silbach,, near Hassfurth, July 28, 1762, and died at Wtirzburg, December 18, 1807, as doctor and professor of theology and regent of the clerical seminary. He is the author of, Der Prediger Salomon, ubersetzt und erklart (Wurzburg, 1792): Untersuchungen uber den Prediger nebst kritischen … Continue reading “Zirkel, Gregorius”


Zircz ZIRCENSIS or BOCCON. Cistercian abbey, situated in the Diocese of Veszprem, Hungary. The early history of the monastery is enveloped in much obscurity, as regards both names and dates, on account of its being so often referred to under both these titles. Whether Zircz and De Boccon were separate abbeys cannot now be definitely … Continue reading “Zircz”

Zipser, Maier

Zipser, Maier chief rabbi at Stuhlweissenburg and afterwards at Rechnitz, in Hungary, was born August 14, 1815, and died December 10, 1870. He contributed largely to the Literaturblatt des Orients from 1846 to 1850, Ben- Chananja, and the Jewish Chronicle, published in London. His contributions to the latter periodical, headed “The Talmud and the Gospels,” … Continue reading “Zipser, Maier”


Zips (SZEPES; SCEPUSIENSIS). A diocese in Hungary, suffragan of Agria (Eger), founded by Maria Theresa in 1776, and composed of the exempt provostship of St. Martin, the date of foundation of which is unknown, but probably in the beginning of the thirteenth century. Besides the provostship, a collegiate chapter also existed at Zips. The bishops … Continue reading “Zips”


Zipporis SEE SEPPHORIS. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zipporis Zipporis, or Sepphoris, was, about the beginning of the Christian era, a principal and strongly fortified city of Galilee, under latitude 32 44. It was surrounded by many villages, and situated near Mount Asamon in the center of Galilee, in a very strong … Continue reading “Zipporis”


ZIPPORAH Daughter of Jethro, wife of Moses, and mother of Eliezer and Gershom. When Moses fled from Egypt into Midian, and there stood up in defense of the daughters of Jethro, priest or prince of Midian, against shepherds who would have hindered them form watering their flocks, Jethro took him into his house, and gave … Continue reading “ZIPPORAH”


Zippor (Heb. Tsippor’, [briefly , Num 22:10; Num 23:18], sparrow [comp. Zipporah]; Sept. ; Vulg. Sephor), father of Balak, king of Moab, who is always designated by this patronymic title (22, 2, 4, 10, 16; 23:18; Jos 24:9 Jdg 11:25). B.C. ante 1618. He is possibly the king referred to in Num 21:26. SEE BALAK; … Continue reading “Zippor”