Zizka, John

Zizka, John SEE ZISCA. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Zizanion SEE TAKE. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


Zizah (Heb. Zizah’, i.e. Ziza; Sept. ; Vulg. Ziza), a Gershonite Levite, second son of Shimei (1Ch 23:11); elsewhere (1Ch 23:10) called ZINA SEE ZINA ; (q.v.). Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zizah a Gershonite Levite (1 Chr. 23:11). Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary Zizah (See ZINA.) Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary Zizah A … Continue reading “Zizah”


Ziza Heb. Ziza’, , abundance [Gesen.] or shining [Furst]; Sept. or ), the name of two men. SEE ZIZA. 1. Third named of the four obis of Rehoboam by Maachall the granddaughter of Absalom (2Ch 11:20). B.C. post 973. 2. Son of Seiphisad one of the chiefs of the Simeonites, who in the reign of … Continue reading “Ziza”


ZIZ, THE CLIFF OF The pass near Engedi, by which the Moabites and Ammonites ascended from the shore of the Dead Sea, having followed the southern and western coast to this point, 2Ch 20:16 . The same route is still traversed by the Arabs. Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary

Ziz, Ascent of

Ziz, Ascent of ziz ( , maaleh ha-cc; , Hasae, , Hasisa): A pass in the wilderness of Judea (2Ch 20:16) leading from Hazazon-tamar (En-gedi, 2Ch 20:2). This is generally identified with Wady Hasasa, a valley by which the ancient road from En-gedi runs toward Jerusalem. At any rate, an echo of the ancient name … Continue reading “Ziz, Ascent of”


Ziz (Heb. with the art. hats-Tsits, , the projection; Sept. v.r. ; Vulg. Sis), the name of a cliff (, ascent) or pass-by which the band of Moiabites’ Ammonites, and Mehunim who attacked Jehoshaphat made. their way up from the shores of the Dead Sea to the wilderness of Judah near Tekoa (2Ch 20:16; comp. … Continue reading “Ziz”


Ziv ZIV.See art. Time. Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible Ziv ziv (, ziw; the King James Version Zif): The 2nd month of the old Hebrew calendar, corresponding to Iyyar of the Jewish reckoning in later times. It is mentioned in 1Ki 6:1, 1Ki 6:37. See CALENDAR. Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Zittel, Karl

Zittel, Karl a Protestant theologian and doctor of theology of Germany, was born at Schmieheim, in, Baden, June 21, 1802. He studied theology at Jena, was called in 1824 as pastor to Bahlingen, in 1849 to Heidelberg, where he died, August 28, 1871. Zittel is known as leader of the Liberal Church movement in Baden. … Continue reading “Zittel, Karl”


Zithri (typographical error in some eds. at Exo 6:22). SEE ZICHRI. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature Zithri the Lord protects, a Levite, son of Uzziel (Ex. 6:22). Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary Zithri Hebrew SITHRI. Son of Uzziel, son of Kobath (Exo 6:22); in verse 21 for Zithri read Zichri. Fuente: Fausset’s Bible … Continue reading “Zithri”