Zoba (Heb. Tsoba’, , 2Sa 10:6; 2Sa 10:8) or Zo’bah (Heb. Tsobah’, [briefly 2Sa 23:36], station; Sept. v.r. , etc.; Vulg. usually Soba), the name of a portion of Aram or Syria, which formed a separate kingdom in the time of the Jewish monarchs Saul, David, and Solomon. It is difficult to fix its exact … Continue reading “Zoba”
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Zoarites SEE SEPARATISTS OF ZOAR. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zoaras Zoaras (2), a turbulent Monophysite Syrian monk, a zealous adherent of Severus, associated with him and Peter of Apamea in the petitions of the orthodox clergy of Syria to the council of Constantinople under Mennas, a.d. 536, as leaders of the Monophysite heresy, and condemned with them by the synod. He became a Stylite. … Continue reading “Zoaras”
Zoara A titular see of Palestina Tertia. It is the ancient Bala or Segor, one of the five cities of the Pentapolis (Genesis 14:2, 8), which escaped the thunder and lightning for having sheltered Lot and his family (Genesis 19:22, 30). It is mentioned by Josephus (“Ant. Jud.”, XIII, xv, 4; “Bell. Jud.”, IV, viii, … Continue reading “Zoara”
ZOAR A city on the south-east side of the Dead sea, was destined, with the other four cities, to be consumed by fire from heaven; but at the intercession of Lot it was preserved, Gen 14:2 ; 19:20-23,30. It was originally called Bela; but after Lot entreated the angel’s permission to take refuge in it, … Continue reading “ZOAR”
ZOAN A very ancient city of Lower Egypt, Num 13:22, on the east side of the Tanitic arm of the Nile, and called by the Greeks Tanis, now San. It was a royal city, Isa 19:11,13 ; 30:4, and gave its name to the level country around it, in which were wrought the first mighty … Continue reading “ZOAN”
Znicz in Slavonic mythology is a deity of the Russians that was worshipped at Kiev through an eternal fire. It is thought that Znicz signifies. The priests of this god gave to the sick and suffering their advice in exchange for rich offerings. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zlebog [pron. Zliebog], in Slavonic mythology, is the supreme evil deity, and at the same time a surname of all evil black deities, as the reverse of Dobribog. Czernebog is identical with Zlebog. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zlata Baba
Zlata Baba in Slavonic mythology, was a goddess worshipped by the Poles, whose golden statue (whence her name, golden woman) is said to have stood in a temple on the Obi River. Many sacrifices were made to her because she announced oracles to those desiring them. Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
Zju-gwats (or Zju-gen), in Japanese mythology, is the New-year festival, which takes place on the first day of the first month (February). Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature