Ægidius a Columna
Augustinian philosopher and theologion, called Doctor fundatissimus, born Rome, Italy , c.1247 ; died Avignon , France , 1316 . He studied under Thomas Aquinas at Paris, and was the first Augustinian to teach in that university. Though Honorius IV asked him to retract publicly certain opinions, the general chapter of the Augustinians ordered all its members to accept and defend all his teachings. In 1292 he was elected superior general. In 1295 he was named Archbishop of Bourges by Boniface VIII , and, despite the protests of the French nobles, his appointment was approved by Philip IV, his former pupil. Colonna favored Boniface VIII in his struggle with Philip IV, and may have written the famous Bull “Unam Sanctam.” His theological followers were known as the gidian School. One of his most important writings was the treatise composed for his royal pupil on the conduct of rulers.