in Greek legend, was
(1) a king of Argos, renowned mainly through his great-grandson Perseus. His father was Lynceus, his mother Hypermnestra, and the fierce and cruel Danaus was his grandfather. Abas brought Lynceus the news of Danaus’s death, for which he was presented with a costly shield which Danaus had consecrated to Juno.
(2.) A son of Neptune and Arethusa, a river nymph. This nymph had appealed to Diana for protection from the persecution of Alpheus. She was therefore changed into a cloud and then into water.
(3). A son of Melampus and Iphianassa, a daughter of Protus.
(4.) An associate of Diomedes, who was transformed into a stormy petrel by Venus.
(5.) One of the Centaurs who opposed the Lapithae.