Aaron ben-Chayim

Aaron ben-Chayim

a celebrated rabbi, born at Fez in the middle of the 16th century. He was the head of the synagogues of Fez and Morocco. In order to superintend the printing of his works, he made, in 1609, a voyage to Venice, where he died soon after. His works are (in Hebrew), The Heart of Aaron, containing two commentaries on Joshua and the Judges (Venice, 1609, fol.); The Offering of Aaron, or remarks on the book Siphra, an ancient commentary on Leviticus (Venice, 1609, fol.); The Measures of Aaron, or an essay on the 13 hermeneutical rules of Rabbi Ismael. Hoefer, Biographie Generale, 1, 7. First, Bib. Jud. 1, 159.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature