Aacs, Mihaly (2)

Aacs, Mihaly (2)

a Hungarian theologian, was born at Raab, Feb. 28, 1672. He studied theology at Wittenberg and Tubingen; and became chaplain of a Hungarian regiment. He died at Bartfeld, Feb. 2, 1711. He wrote in Latin and Hungarian, Dissertatio Historicotheologica de Catechumenis (Strasb. 1700): Magyar Theologia (Bartfeld, 1709): Currus Mortis ex Pestilentia, in quo Hominibus Salutarem Mortem Cupientibus Gratiam ipsemet Dominus Jesus Preparet (Strasb. 1702). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature