Zimmermann, Mathias
a German theologian, was born at Ypres, September 21, 1625. He began his studies in his native village, and afterwards went to the College of Thun (1639), and thence (1644) to the University of Strasburg, where he studied philosophy. Having decided upon a religious career, he studied at Leipsic, and in 1651 returned home. He was soon nominated rector of the College of Leutsch, in Upper Hungary, but the next year (1652) returned home again. Soon afterwards the elector of Saxony appointed him a colleague of the superintendent of Colditz, and the minister and superintendent of Meissen. He had prepared himself for those positions by a license in theology (November 1661), and in 1666 was made doctor in the university at Leipsic, but died suddenly, November 29, 1689, leaving many religious works, which are enumerated in the Biog. Universelle, s.v.