Zickler, Friedrich Samuel
a Protestanti theologian of Germany, was born November 14, 1721, at Schwabsdorf, in Weimar. He studied at Jena, where he was made magister in 1744, on presenting a dissertation, Ad Vaticinium Jacobaeum Genes. 49:12. In 1758 he was made professor of philosophy, and at the jubilee of the Jena University was made doctor of theology, presenting a dissertation, De Glorioso Servatoris in Coelum Adscensu. In 1760 he went to Erlangen as third professor of theology and university-preacher. He opened his lectures with a dissertation on De et Necessariis in Doctore Ecclesiae Requisitis. He returned again to Jena in 1768, advanced rapidly, end died April 25, 1779, having four years before been chosen first professor of theology. He wrote, Diss. I et II. Historico- Exegeticae, Religionem Bestiarum ab Egyptiis Consecratarum Exponentes, etc. (Jena, 1745-46): Diss. Exegetica Statum Ecclesiae Novi Foederis Primaevae a Jerenziae 3:14 sq., Praedictum Exponens (ibid. 1747): Chaldaismus Danielis Prophete, etc. (ibid. 1749, etc.). See Doring, Die gelehirten Theologis Deutschlands, 4:789 sq.; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3:550. (B.P.)