Verulam, Council Of (Concilium Verulamiense)

Verulam, Council Of (Concilium Verulamiense)

Verulam, or Verulamium, was an ancient town of England, County of Hertford, the site of which is now occupied by the city of St. Albans, which is twenty miles northwest of London. Two ecclesiastical councils were held here as follows.

I. (Called also Council of St. Albans) Was held A.D. 429 by SS. Germanus and Lupus against the Pelagian heresy. The authors of this detestable heresy, writes Constantius, came to the council glittering with pomp and fine dresses, and surrounded by their partisans. An immense concourse of people-men, women and children-were assembled; leave was given to the Pelagians to speak first, which they did, and at much length; after which the venerable bishops poured forth, in answer, the torrent of their eloquence, supporting their own assertions by divine testimonies. Their opponents testified by their silence that they could not withstand them, and the assembled multitude with loud shouts proclaimed the victory of the Catholics. See Wilkins, Concil. 1, 3.

II. Was held A.D. 793, attended by king Offa, archbishop Humbert, and a large concourse, before whom the foundation of the Abbey of St. Alban was discussed, and the king recommended a journey to Rome. See Mansi, Concil. 13:861; Wilkins, by Haddan and Stubbs, 3, 470.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature