Titus Flavius Clemens

Titus Flavius Clemens

Christian writer, born probably at Athens; died c.215 . He succeeded Pantrenus as head of the catechetical school of Alexandria , Egypt, c.190 . During the persecution of 202 the school suffered and Clement withdrew to Caesarea in Cappadocia , where he governed the local Church during the imprisonment of his pupil, Bishop Alexander. He was honored as a saint until the 17th century , when his name was dropped from the Clementine revision of the Martyrology, owing to the uncertainty surrounding his life, teaching, and cult. His writings, lacking technical precision and order, were easily misjudged, and he was censured by Pope Gelasius and Photius; however, his rule of faith was sound. In opposition to the rationalizing Gnostics, then a force in Alexandria , he made faith the basis of his speculations, but interpreted Scripture in too allegorical a manner.

Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary