Sarcerius, Erasmus

Sarcerius, Erasmus

An able practical theologian of the 16th century, was born at Annaberg, in Saxony, in 1501. He studied first at Leipsic, then at the feet of Luther and Melancthon in Wittenberg. In 1530 he left the university and became co- rector of a Latin school at Lubeck. Laboring here with some interruption until 1536, he then took charge of a similar school in Nassau. From 1538 he gave his attention exclusively to the work of reforming the Church of Nassau, presiding at synods, instructing the clergy, and furnishing them with written works on practice and doctrine. But, unwilling to sanction the Interim (1548), he resigned his position, retired to Annaberg, and in 1549 became a pastor in Leipsic. In 1553 he was called to be Church superintendent in Eisleben. In 1559 he accepted a call as preacher at St. John’s in Magdeburg; but the high Lutheran clergy scented heresy in his mild and genial sermons, and assailed him in pamphlets. Worn out with labor, he speedily succumbed. He died in 1559 at the age of fifty-eight. In character, Sarcerius was firm, conscientious, blameless. A stranger to flattery, he walked among princes as an equal, and never quailed before a foe. His works were highly esteemed and much studied. We mention only, Anweisung die heilige Schrift zu interpretiren (Basle, 1528): Tractatus de Ratione Discendoe Theologioe (1539): Conciones Annuoe (1541, 4 vols.): De Consensu Veroe Ecclesioe et S. Patrum: also Loci Communes Theologioe (1542?): Pastorale (1559). (J.P.L.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature