Reischl, Wilhelm Carl
a German Roman Catholic divine, doctor and professor of theology at Munich, was born in that city Jan. 13,1818. Having completed his studies in his native place, he was made a priest in 1835, and, after having occupied several positions as priest and chaplain, he was promoted in 1842 as doctor of theology. For some time he lectured at Munich, but in 1845 went to Amberg, occupying the chair of professor of dogmatics and exegesis. In 1851 he was called to Regensburg as professor of Church history and canon law, till he was recalled to his native city in 1867 as professor of moral philosophy, where he died, Oct. 4, 1873. In connection with others, he published a commentary on the Holy Bible, the New-Test. part being his sole work. See Literarischer Handweiser, 1873, p. 494. (B. P.)