Reinhard, Lorenz
a German doctor of theology, was born Feb. 22,1700, at Hellingen, in Franconia. After the completion of his studies, he was first tutor and afterwards professor at the gymnasium in Hildburghausen. In 1727 he was called as deacon and professor of the gymnasium to Weimar, and in 1744 as superintendent to Buttstadt, where he died, Nov. 15,1752. He wrote, De Libro Sapientice non Canonico, etc. (Wittenb. 1719): Die Theologie der Patriarchen vor und nach der Suindfluth, etc. (Hamb. 1737): Observationes Philol. exeg. in Evangel. Marci Selectissimoe (Lips. 1737): Breviar. Controversiar. cum Reformatis, una cum Breviario Controversiar. cum Arminianis (Weimar, 1735): Chronotaxis Cantici Canticorum Salomonis, etc. (ibid. 1741): Commentatio de Assapho, etc. (ibid. 1742): Erklarung und Zergliederung des Buches Hiob, etc. (Leips. 1749-50). See Winer, Handb. der theol. Literatur, i, 247, 35.3; ii, 727; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3:147. (B. 1.,)