Reineccius, Christian

Reineccius, Christian

a Lutheran divine, was born Jan. 22, 1668, at Grossmuhlingen, in Zerbst, and died Oct. 18,1752, at Weissenfels, where for about thirty years he had acted as rector of the academy. Reineccius was a voluminous writer, and his Dissertations, which he published as rector of Weissenfels, are still very valuable. Besides his edition of Lankisch’s Concordantice Bibliorum Germanico-Hebraico-Graecoe (Lips. 1718), and of Vetus Testamentum Graecum ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretum, una cunt Libris Apocryphis, etc. (ibid. 173057), he published , i.e. Biblia Hebraica, ad Optimorum Codicum et Editionum Fidemn Recensita, etc. (ibid. 1725). In the preface we are told, as is already indicated in the title-page, that in editing this Bible MSS. have been perused, but their use is nowhere pointed out. An alphabetical table of the Parashioth and a table of the Haphtaroth are given at the end. The type is correct. A second edition of the Hebrew Bible was published in 1739, which is but a reprint of the first, repeating even its mistakes, and making still greater ones. A third edition was published in 1756, after Reineccius’s death, by C. G. Pohl, who also wrote the preface, in which he speaks of the changes made by him. In 1793, Doderlein and Meissner published Reineccius’s Bible Cum Variis Lectionibus ex Ingenti Codicum Copia a C. Kennicotto et J. B. de Rossi Collatorum, which is very valuable. It was republished by Knapp (Halle, 1818). Reineccius also wrote, Index Memorialis, quo Voces Hebraicoe et Chaldaicoe V. T. Omnnes, etc. (Lips. 1723, and often), which is appended to some editions of his Hebrew Bible: Manuale Biblicum ex Concordantiis Graecis Adornatum in quo Voces Graecoe Onnes in LXX Interpretum Versionze Bibliorum Graeca et in Apocryphis V. T., nec non in Textu Originali Graeco N.T. Occurrentes, etc. (ibid. 1734): Biblia Sacra Quadrilinguia V. T. Hebr. giving the Hebrew, Greek (according to Grabe’s text), the German of Luther, and Latin translation of Seb. Schmid, 3 vols., the three containing the Apocrypha in Greek, Latin, and German (ibid. 1751): Janua Hebraico Linguae V. T. etc. (ibid. 1704; last ed. by Rehkopf, 1788). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3:144 sq.; Rosenmuller, Handbuch fur die Literatur, i, 236 sq.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, i, 35, 39, 47, 120, 321, 527, 591; ii, 726; Theol. Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Carpzov, Critica Sacra (2d ed. 1748), p. 408, 425; Kitto, Cyclop. s.v. (B. P.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature