Post, Trutman Marcellus, D.D
a Congregational minister, was born in Middlebury, Vermont, June 3, 1810; graduated from Middlebury College in 1829; was tutor there, 1829- 32; student at Andover, 1832; professor of languages and history at Illinois College, 1833-47; pastor, 1840-82; corporate member of the American Board from 1857, and its preacher at Salem, 1871; director A.H.M. Society, 1863-83. He was also lecturer on history at Washington University, St. Louis: on ecclesiastical history in Chicago Theological Seminary; and on congregationalism in Andover Theological Seminary. He died December 31, 1886. He published, The Skeptical Era in Modern History (1856), and several pamphlets.