Mitchell, William B
a minister of the Methodist-Episcopal Church, was born in 1815. He was converted in 1843, and, though engaged in a lucrative business, turned aside to the ministry, to which he felt called of God. In 1845 he was licensed to preach; in 1846 was stationed at the Delaware Mission, Delaware County, N.Y., under his presiding cider; in 1847 joined the New York Conference, and was successively appointed to Windham, Lexington, Jefferson, Prattsville, and Kortright circuits, and subsequently to Coxsackie and Hyde Park stations. He died October 27, 1858. His life was useful and consistent; his zeal for the interests of the Church untiring; his anxiety for the salvation of souls earnest and abiding. See Smith, Sacred Memories (N.Y. 1870), page 99 sq.