Maori (or New Zealand) Version Of The Scriptures
The Maori is the most cultivated of all the Polynesian dialects. SEE NEW ZEALAND. The first copies of portions of the New Test. were printed in 1832, having been translated by the Reverend Mr. Yate, but the first complete edition of the New Test. did not appear till 1840. A second was printed in 1842, and a third in 1844, all at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society. A revised edition by bishop Williams and the Reverend T.W. Meller was published more recently. The Old Test. was completed in 1856, the translation being that of the Reverend R. Maunsell. In 1859 a revision of the Bible was undertaken, which was completed in 1867. This revised edition has also been printed since. See Bible of Every Land, page 383. (B.P.)