Lewis, Moses

Lewis, Moses

a Methodist minister, was born in Roxbury, Vermont, May 19, 1797, and early decided upon the ministry as his work of life. He entered the traveling connection in 1831 in the New Hampshire Conference. After five years of faithful and successful labors as an itinerant, failing health compelled him to retire from the effective ranks, with the hope of resuming his place as a pastor at no distant day with recuperated physical strength, which, however, he never realized. During thirty-four years he sustained either a supernumerary or superannuated relation to his Conference. In 1844 the New Hampshire Conference was divided, and the Vermont Conference constituted, and of it Lewis, living within the limits of the new Conference, became a member. He died September 26, 1869. “In the domestic circle brother Lewis was beloved and honored; in the community, active and reliable; and in the Church, a pillar of strength, a safe counselor, and a liberal contributor to all the interests of the Church of his choice.” Minutes of Conf. 1870 (see Index).

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature