(, mas, tribute, as usually rendered), a tax or requirement of service imposed by Eastern kings for public works, hence a gang or company of men impressed into such service (1Ki 5:13-14; 1Ki 9:15). In two passages other terms (. 1Ki 9:21; , Num 31:28) are employed in connection with this, to denote the exaction of tribute. SEE TRIBUTE.
Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
(1 Kings 4:6, R.V.; 5:13), forced service. The service of tributaries was often thus exacted by kings. Solomon raised a “great levy” of 30,000 men, about two per cent. of the population, to work for him by courses on Lebanon. Adoram (12:18) presided over this forced labour service (Ger. Frohndienst; Fr. corvee).
Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary
levi. See WAR.