Institute of Charity

Institute of Charity

A religious congregation founded in 1828 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati at Domodossola, Italy . The twofold end of the institute, based on the founder’s own rule of life, is primarily the sanctification of its members by interior charity, or the love of God, hence a contemplative state; secondarily, the assumed state for which the first is a preparation, active works of charity, whether spiritual, intellectual, or corporal, undertaken on a neighbor’s behalf and only when clearly manifested by the Divine Will through the voice of the superiors. In general, whenever the help of the institute is sought, it has to be given. Some of its members bind themselves by a special vow to mission work. Parishes, colleges, elementary and industrial schools are directed by the institute. The government is under a provost-general, elected for life, who resides at the Calvario of Domodossola.

Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary