Instant, be Instant, Instantly

Instant, be Instant, Instantly

“to lie” or “press upon,” is rendered “they were instant” in Luk 23:23 (Amer. RV, “they were urgent”). See IMPOSE.

“to set upon or by,” is used in the NT intransitively, either in the Middle Voice, or in certain tenses of the Active, signifying “to stand by, be present, be at hand, come on or upon,” and is translated “be instant” in 2Ti 4:2. See ASSAULT, COME, etc.

Note: For proskartereo, in Rom 12:12, AV, rendered “continuing instant,” RV, “steadfastly,” see CONTINUE, No. 9.

“earnestly, diligently,” is rendered “instantly” in Luk 7:4, AV (RV, “earnestly”). See EARNEST.

Note: For the phrase en ekteneia, rendered “instantly” in Act 26:7, AV, see EARNEST, D.

Fuente: Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words