INSCRIPTION.See Title on Cross.
Fuente: A Dictionary Of Christ And The Gospels
in-skripshun (verb , epigrapho, to write upon, inscribe): The word occurs once in English Versions of the Bible in Act 17:23 of the altar at Athens with the inscription To an Unknown God. On inscriptions in archaeology, see ARCHAEOLOGY; ASSYRIA; BABYLONIA, etc.
Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
“to write upon, inscribe” (epi, “upon,” grapho, “to write”), is usually rendered by the verb “to write upon, over, or in,” Mar 15:26; Heb 8:10; Heb 10:16; Rev 21:12; it is translated by a noun phrase in Act 17:23, “(with this) inscription,” lit., “(on which) had been inscribed.” Cp. the noun epigraphe, “a superscription.”